Responsive messaging example
Prototypes, usability
Background: clients with huge databases were having latency issues on their dashboard, purely as a result of the amount of account data being sifted through on the back end.
Solution: 1. Figure out a way to flag the problem areas. 2. Allow users to manage the scope of those areas so the interface would not endure such slowdowns.
I provided a series of high fidelity mockups to illustrate a likely scenario, and the steps a user would take to resolve the issue. To begin, there had to be a way to indicate the problem areas — not just on the page or the card, but down to the specific fields where Beckon had detected large datasets. For those affected items, a new indicator/button would appear, granting users a means to take appropriate action.
The source of a potential slowdown is flagged
Indicators and buttons could appear on all affected items, and controls would allow a user to view or hide all the information panels at once.
Filter controls and indicators
Within a local information pane, the nature of the problem is summarized, and a filter menu provides the user access to a pick list.
Alert and filter control
Any selection the user makes here effectively scopes the underlying query, yielding a manageable subset of the data associated with the account.
Configuring a filter
If a user wanted to narrow the scope of a card further, many filters could be configured simultaneously. The filter indicator would remain visible to indicate the active filter(s), and the filter(s) could be adjusted at any time.
Multiple active filters